Get an Apple TV for $85 shipped
For anyone interested in accessing awesome services like Netflix and Pandora on their TV, the choice usually boils down to a Roku box or an Apple TV.If you're voting solely with your wallet, the choice might seem pretty easy: the Roku LT sells for $50, the Apple TV for $100. Ah, but if you really want to compare (sorry) apples to Apples, you need to look at the $80 Roku 2 XD, which matches the Apple TV's 1080p output capabilities.And guess what: Apple just started selling the refurbished current-generation Apple TV for $85 shipped (plus sales tax in some states). Now it's a horse race. (That's an expression, isn't it?)I'm not going to spend time detailing the pros and cons of the two devices; CNET already did that in its Apple-TV-vs.-Roku comparison. Bottom line: they're both awesome.So, how to decide? If you're already vested in iTunes and/or an iDevice, I think an Apple TV makes the most sense. It's great not only for streaming movies, music, and stuff, but also for showing off your iDevice-captured photos and videos on your TV. That feature alone was enough to get me to pull the trigger.Is it worth choosing a refurbished unit just to save $15? Absolutely. As I've noted before, when shopping for Apple products, you should always choose refurbished. You'll get a like-new unit with a same-as-new one-year warranty. No-brainer.Of course, make sure to check out CNET's review of the Apple TV so you have the full scoop. And keep in mind that whether you pick that or a Roku, you'll need an HDMI cable. See yesterday's post for help with that.So I'm just wondering: if Apple ever does release an actual TV, something that's been rumored for a while, what will they call it? Oh, I know! Apple T...oh, wait.Bonus deal: Speaking of Roku, I just noticed that the aforementioned Roku 2 XD is on sale for $69.99 shipped. Two big reasons I love mine: Amazon Instant Video and HBO Go. I wouldn't expect to see those channels on an Apple TV anytime soon.Cheapin' it real.Deals found on The Cheapskate are subject to availability, expiration, and other terms determined by sellers.Curious about what exactly The Cheapskate does and how it works? Read our FAQ.